Your hands are your business card, so you should give them the best possible care. Your feet carry you everywhere throughout your life, over hill and dale and in all kinds of shoes. Take the opportunity and let yourself be pampered.
The all-round program for your hands - besides removing cuticles and filing also with care, peeling, mask and massage. The wide range of colors for the gel varnish leaves nothing to be desired.
Gel Color by OPI, 70 min. | CHF 95 | Anfragen |
Gel Color by OPI, 70 min. - Early Bird* | CHF 85 | Anfragen |
Dissolve Gel Color, 15 min. | CHF 20 | Anfragen |
Removal kit to go | CHF 18 | Anfragen |
*Early Bird - beginning of the treatment between 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock.
After removing calluses and cuticles and exfoliating, the short massage will give you relaxing moments. Lacquering as desired.
Cosmetical Foot Care, 60 min. | CHF 95 | Anfragen |
Cosmetical Foot Care, 60 min. - Early Bird* | CHF 85 | Anfragen |
Additional face mask Yon-Ka | CHF 25 | Anfragen |
*Early Bird - beginning of the treatment between 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock.
Exclusive hand care with bath and short massage. Cuticle treatment is also part of the program, for the ladies also painting the nails.
Manicure, 60 min. | CHF 85 | Anfragen |
Manicure, 60 min. - Early Bird* | CHF 70 | Anfragen |
Only file and paint, 25 min. | CHF 40 | Anfragen |
*Early Bird - beginning of the treatment between 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock.
Combi Manicure & Pedicure, 120 Min. | CHF 165 | Anfragen |
Combi Manicure & Pedicure, 120 Min. - Early Bird* | CHF 150 | Anfragen |
*Early Bird - beginning of the treatment between 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock.